Myths, that simply can't be true

"Aaaaaah, I slept like a baby!"

Who else has heard this association, becauseI know I have - and wondered whether it truly refers to the finest of sleep experiences possible?

Images from films and advertisements have shaped us - the baby is put to bed at 7pm and wakes up at 8am in the best of moods, not a peep in between and pure relaxation for all involved.

But the truth is different and that's a good thing, because, from an evolutionary standpoint, it was even dangerous for babies to fall into a too deep sleep... In a world full of saber-toothed animals, mammoths and other giants, those who slept too deeply would be in dire trouble. To this day, we still carry this instinctual fear with us.

And yet we must never forget that there are also exceptions, and that each child is different.

What other myths have you come across that simply can't be true?


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